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Choosing a Map for your Office or Classroom Space


You want to know how to choose the map that best fits your organization's needs.


Sococo5k provides a variety of office and classroom maps to meet your organization's needs based on team sizes and room requirements. The spaces vary in capacity from a two-employee huddle room to a larger Agile Release Train project team room. To select a map that matches your organization's needs:

  1. Review the list of maps available for selection and find one that suits you the most. The following maps are sorted based on their size (maximum room capacities).
  2. Update the map of your space by modifying the space settings.

    Note: Changing the Map will recreate all the rooms, which will cause all Room Ownerships and Shares to be lost. Additionally, every newly selected map will have default room names, that users can update if needed. Room names from the previous map will not be saved.


The space map will be updated instantly upon the selection of the new map. As soon as you return to your space, you will see that it has the new map applied. If this is not the case, reload your application.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
