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  • Asking a User to Join a Room

    Overview You can invite other users to join you in your room in the Sococo5k space. The invited user will be notified that a member wants them to join the room. Once the invited user accepts, they wil...

  • Using the Zoom to Room and Show Entire Map Features

    Overview Zoom to Room and Show Entire Map are Sococo5k features that allow you to change the zoom of your screen to a specific room or the entire map. This article describes how these features can be ...

  • Managing Room Shares

    Overview The Sococo5k Room Shares feature allows users to share links to your files, documents, or presentations in your Sococo5k room directly. You want to know how to create, edit, view, or edit a r...

  • Editing Room Names

    Overview All members in a space can modify the name of a room in their space, as long as the option Anyone can edit rooms is enabled in the Space settings. If this is not the case, only moderators and...

  • Modifying Space Settings

    Overview You want to edit your space's name or map, modify your space's memberships,  or want to know how to add or remove spaces in your organization. Prerequisites You are an admin if you wish to: A...

  • Starting a Room Chat

    Overview You want to chat with all members (including guests) in a room, using the Sococo5k chat feature. Solution Sococo5k allows you to chat with all users in a room at the same time. The room chat ...

  • Using the Spotlight Feature

    Overview Imagine standing up in your cubicle and scanning the office crowd to look for your colleague. They may be in the lunchroom, on the phone, or working on a project desk. You want to know if you...

  • Claiming and Removing a Claim From a Room

    Overview You want to know how you can take ownership of a room or remove your claim from a room. When you claim a room, you can do the following: Rename your room even if the Anyone can edit rooms opt...

  • Deleting a Space

    Overview You want to delete a space within your Sococo5k organization because it is no longer necessary or you want to remove a space because it was created by mistake.   Note: Only organization admin...

  • Creating a Space

    Overview You want to create a new space in your organization because you need more office space. Sococo5k allows every organization to create multiple office spaces that can accommodate various team s...